Artwork, Artist, Poets
1. Bottlebrush Artist: Aimee DICKSON, Poets: Coral CARTER, Chris PALAZZOLO
2. Flower, Love Heart Girl Artist: Marina PSAILA, Poets: Liana Joy CHRISTENSEN, Yvonne PATTERSON
3. Insects Study Artist: Angelina KELL, Poets: Faye TEALE-CLAVI, Glen PHILLIPS
4. Graceful Wings Artist: Hannah VALENTI, Poets: Jane CROTHERS, Keren Gila RAITER
5. Lonely Seagull Artist: Chantel LUCAS, Poets: Maree DAWES, Zan ROSS
6. On the Farm Artist: Richie JASPER, Poets: Gary Colombo DE PIAZZI, Barry SANBROOK
7. Landscape Series #2 Artist: Rosie POWNER, Poets: Brigita FERENCAK, Deb MICALLEF
8. Yellow with Flowers Artist: Candice RAPHAEL, Poets: Margaret FERRELL, Leonard JAMES
9. Tegan Under the Moon Artist: Rebecca JOHNSTON, Poets: Sally Anne GAUNT, Rose VAN SON
10. Bright Dark Light Artist: Katrina BARBER, Poets: Kevin GILLAM, Rose VAN SON
11. Change of Season Artist: John VERJANS, Poets: Carolyn ABBS, Fran GRAHAM
12. Penny Wong Artist: Tony STANISHEFF, Poets: Sunny BLUNDELL, Mike GREENACRE
13. Under the Orange Tree Artist: Jane RYAN, Poets: Andrew BURKE, Ann HARRISON
14. My Brothers Artist: Greg BARR, Poets: Jane DAVIS, Peter JEFFERY
15. Leighton Beach Artist: Jane RYAN, Poets: Maree DAWES, Julienne JUSCHKE
16. The Deep Artist: Bonnie WILKINSON, Poets: Gary Colombo DE PIAZZI, Christopher KONRAD
17. Forest Park Artist: Jeremy GOWING, Poets: Brigita FERENCAK, Veronica LAKE
18. The Genie Artist: David BRANDSTATER, Poets: Margaret FERRELL, Deanne LEBER
19. Abstract Artist: Marianne PERCUDANI, Poets: Sally Anne GAUNT, Shey MARQUE
20. The Dog Artist: Marianne PERCUDANI, Poets: Kevin GILLAM, Jacqui MERCKENSCHLAGER
21. Blossoms in the Snow Artist: Clint CARTER, Poets: Fran GRAHAM, Max MERCKENSCHLAGER
22. Moana Artist: Lindy JOHNSON, Poets: Mike GREENACRE, Scott-Patrick MITCHELL
23. Mask, COVID Times Artist: Martin CAHILL, Poets: Ann HARRISON, Jan NAPIER
24. Ned Kelly Artist: David GUHL, Poets: Peter JEFFERY, Val NEUBECKER
25. Untitled Artist: Emma DAWSON, Poets: Julienne JUSCHKE, Virginia O’KEEFE
26. After the Rain Artist: Danny TUCKEY, Poets: Christopher KENNEDY, Allan PADGETT
27. Andy Warhol’s Dogs Artist: Samantha MUELLER, Poets: Christopher KONRAD, Chris PALAZZOLO
28. Untitled Artist: Blaz DELIC, Poets: Veronica LAKE, Yvonne PATTERSON
29. Lest We Forget Artist: Robert ROLT, Poets: Deanne LEBER, Glen PHILLIPS
30. Hot Wind Artist: Ben ROSTEN, Poets: Shey MARQUE, Keren Gila RAITER
31. Blobs Artist: Nathan WINSLADE, Poets: J.R.POULTER, Zan ROSS
32. Ocean Octopus Umbrella Artist: Russell DAWSON, Poets: Christopher KENNEDY, Jacqui MERCKENSCHLAGER
33. Raindrops Artist: Karen SHAO, Poets: Leonard JAMES, Max MERCKENSCHLAGER
34. African Queen Artist: Karina SHERIDAN, Poets: Andrew BURKE, Deb MICALLEF
35. Sunset Flowers Artist: Jonathon WONG, Poets: Scott-Patrick MITCHELL, Hannah VALENTI
36. Raining Cats & Dogs Artist: Loanha BROPHY, Poets: Carolyn ABBS, Jan NAPIER
37. What a View Artist: Rhonda KALLENBERG, Poets: Sunny BLUNDELL, Val NEUBECKER
38. Open Heart Artist: Leanne FAIRLEY, Poets: Coral CARTER, Colleen O’GRADY
39. Under the Umbrella Artist: Michael TATE, Poets: Liana Joy CHRISTENSEN, Virginia O’KEEFE
40. Pelican Artist: Tim MALEY, Poets: Faye TEALE-CLAVI, Allan PADGETT
1. Bottlebrush Artist: Aimee DICKSON

Hanging like Christmas
baubles soft spiked
dusted with gold.
Welcome to
a cascade of red
a shock of red
a riot of red
a feast of red.
A bee, bird, possum
nectar party.
A sweet pantry
by day or night.
BYO paws, claws
proboscis, tongues.
Coral Carter
I represent the fourth kingdom –
I do not move, I do not will,
and yet I am life – I grow towards the sun
and flower for the bees. Here, capture
my symmetry, evolution’s ad-hoc
machinery, factory where photons synthesise
green leaf; for stamen select red
on the spectrum of a studious human eye.
Chris Palazzolo
2. Flower, Love Heart Girl Artist: Marina PSAILA

Picasso: Another Perspective
The last of Picasso’s wives chose a
different path and issued an invite to
all the women — official or not
(there’d been enough suffering)
She picked the lock to the old man’s
studio and the women spent the day
reimaging themselves and each other
The resulting portraits are
full of such vibrant joy and colour
they now outsell their old master’s
He had, after all, taught them a thing
or two about perspective
Liana Joy Christensen
mischief glints in deep, blue eyes
her poise defying rules, earrings hint
friendships in scented summer days
she stretches tall, pirouettes —
her body spins, her bell skirt rings
kaleidoscopes of light, laughter peals
erases every tinge of night
cascades of colour greet each day
the artist choreographs every dance
designs her own palette
Yvonne Patterson
3. Insects Study Artist: Angelina KELL

the embroidery of paint
comes together in layers across pages
slowly little feet emerge
an ever tiny head
a coat of red, black polka dots
so shiny and bright
you can see me in your garden
eating aphids, helping your garden
to grow, when you see me, let me be
a good luck charm, for all to see
Faye Teale-Clavi
A Triptych: Coccinellidae
- The energy of living lets us fly—
wings flapping, legs and antennae
in ecstasy of a gravity escape.
Leap of the blood says it’s goodbye
to the earth that bore you as the egg
your parent planted away from light. - Your carapace announces you as
ladybird but also identifies, by red
warning, keen danger to predators.
Your bitter taste will repel them! - Like a drop of blood on legs
this ladybird leaps out to seek
a leaf to land upon. Oh come
ladybird, ladybird, fly away home!
Glen Phillips
4. Graceful Wings Artist: Hannah VALENTI

Winged Grace
Fire and Ice, Fire and Ice
Realm before Time
Make graceful this dance of human life
Graceful wings flirting with air
Footprints embroidering sand
Feathers and Air, Feathers and Air
Ice and Fire, Ice and Fire
When we dance here, like this, Beloved,
Stars send down their blessings
When we sing here, like this, Beloved,
The gates of Eden open
Bringing us wonder, tidings of Joy
Fire and Ice
Feathers and Air
Jane Crothers
Even when the world is dark
war planes strike
old oppressors repeat ancient games
and sometimes we go around in circles
unsure which way to fly or
how to navigate the clouds
the very existence of great egrets
and their many feathered friends
reminds us that grace exists
even if just here and there
in wings. behind clouds.
in places deserving and not.
sometimes, as if by chance
favour is found.
Keren Gila Raiter
5. Lonely Seagull Artist: Chantel LUCAS

This seagull is too far from the sea
it does not puddle its feet
in shore line froth
with the flock
or float en masse for a bait-ball snack
its scavenging peers are
snatching at chips
or sitting above the watermark
as lowering light changes them grey
perhaps this gull dreams
of the albatross.
Maree Dawes
Too far from a following sea, pushing
for shore … too far
from night, from stars, from
the beat of other wings … too far …
from a tacking wind to take us
home—sun rising, sun setting.
Zan Ross
6. On the Farm Artist: Richie JASPER

On the hill, a banksia blooms white
with cockatoos and in the paddock
sheep and tractors, dogs and trees—
golden harvests. It’s the glare of
the Aussie sun that brings it all alive.
The smells, sounds and rush of farm
days getting the crop in. Memories
bottled for days when I’m away
——————-It’s the country air—
hot and dry days, cool and fresh
mornings—that bring me back
to the hum of country living.
Away from the clash and bang
of city streets.
Gary Colombo De Piazzi
Under the Parasol
sitting under a Chinese paper parasol
the child stares over the farm
watching flowers bloom
then fade as the rains cease
and the heat increases
his young friend calls to him
can I come under your parasol?
I want to see what you see
I want to smile like you do
you have confidence
together we will build the future
Barry Sanbrook
7. Landscape Series #2 Artist: Rosie POWNER

Where One goes
Where the Rainbow meets the Earth
Little souls follow it
Lit with light and surprise
No worry guides them
Intrinsic knowledge
There is a Beginning
And an End
While it lasts
They live
Without doubt
To their heart’s content.
Brigita Ferencak
aka The Wandering Gypsy
Rainbow umbrella shades her from the sun
As she strolls to the billabong
The light, so very bright
Camouflages all creatures,
but she knows they are there
Seen as they move,
spraying dirt into the air
with their clumsy limbs.
And suddenly springing
into the muddy water
Unawares they have caught her
Lucky she has her umbrella!
Deb Micallef
8. Yellow with Flowers Artist: Candice RAPHAEL

Yellow with Flowers
I lost my kaleidoscope
but now I’ve found it
singing with creativity
and flowers of many hues
against a wall of yellow.
An inspired artist has been
at work on my optical instrument
adding textured patterns
inventive and ingenious.
I gaze and gaze, mesmerised,
finding not only beauty but
meditative calm.
Margaret Ferrell
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(more good days than bad)
Leonard James
9. Tegan Under the Moon Artist: Rebecca JOHNSTON

Can’t you see Joe, Tegan wants to dance
She is dressed mighty fine:
Waits in the moonlight for a dance
Can’t you see Joe, Tegan wants Romance!
Look how she has taken time to impress
with tressed hair, sparkly blue dress
Will Joe hurl her, do his tap
or pivot around the keg
or just make for the door
I’m really not quite sure
Sally Gaunt
Electric blue, the colour of inspiration
Tegan under the moon; your portraiture
of science and symbols, women who
inspire, leave a mark on your horizon.
Electric blue, full moon rising—
And the world can only gain a new
worldview for what is lost
—for what lost, is found.
Rose van Son
10. Bright Dark Light Artist: Katrina BARBER

memory deep
mix 3 freshly cut
quarts of fig leaf with
a dollop of night
sky, squirt in some salt
lake, add a pinch
of brine, stir only
once. serve in a
bowl memory deep
Kevin Gillam
This here and now, where life
like lava flows & green hides faces
not yet known; a plasticine, where
hope is sponged, and yellow faces
scrolled, an eye or two to see
what more there is. For you
are here and I am certain that
I won’t lose sight of what you write
that last note; forget-me-not
you say; to speak of love
when there is bright dark light.
Bring me home; together
we will float.
Rose van Son
11. Change of Season Artist: John VERJANS

we are beckoned
by the sway of stems
a quiet dance lifts
us into a flurry of breeze
we drift on thermals
and from great height, watch
patches of cloud fall, littering
the solid ground of amber-gold
like a ghosting of leaves
Carolyn Abbs
Change Of Season
When autumn moves in
flamboyant with colour,
there’s a seasonal explosion of
red, orange, burgundy,
bold peach and adventure;
then foliage fades to brown.
As breezes waft
leaves let go in a slow, rocking descent
to carpet the ground
a crisp, crackly surface underfoot.
Gauzy clouds mottle the sky;
a sensitive backdrop to
Fran Graham
12. Penny Wong Artist: Tony STANISHEFF

I am that menagerie, The Press
Gallery, challenged to come up with a
damn good question. But my words
come out like mashed banana.
———-Grateful of editorial stance and
———-artistic license for this copy.
Still, I can’t deny the presence of
something luminous. A firm outline
made tender, as if through stained glass,
in contrast to a potent gaze.
Reminiscent of a Frida Kahlo. Like those
surreal tableaus, there is passion and
sorrow in these colours. And,
I’m told, a female pollie grows used to
parrots and monkeys crowding the frame.
Sunny Blundell-Wignall
From the Artist’s Hand
This portrait of Penny Wong
in vibrant chalk pastels
displays welcoming eyes that search
and warn visitors like a lighthouse
that equality lies at the heart
of her beliefs and her warm red lips
smile patiently for understanding
and trust to be carried afar.
Her sharp, styled hair and soft blue
business suit surround this perceptive
image from the artist’s hand.
Mike Greenacre
13. Under the Orange Tree Artist: Jane RYAN

Ah, Baz, I hope you
enjoy petals which
fall like kisses
on your grave.
Today your memory
has handles so
Jan can walk you
wherever she goes.
Andrew Burke
Under the Orange Tree
I take you wherever I go
as a garland, an honour, a gift
We chat beneath the orange tree
There are a million things
I still want to tell you
and every day
we share life’s ups and downs
You listen, you know
The sun is setting
its time to go
but just remember
I’ll be back tomorrow.
Ann Harrison
14. My Brothers Artist: Greg BARR

Lines crinkle into a hearty laugh
Yellow box of movies, under the bed
“I get caught too you know!”
Greg’s lines, now turning, a little red
Memories scatter along the past
As did all six brothers
Who once rode through town together
“I miss the kids you know.” and Mother
“I told mum, I told her!” told on him a lot
It seemed he copped it sweet
Still now though, he shows up
Truck pulls in, Dave in that front seat
“I look after my family.” brother speaks
Jane Davis
with quotes from Greg Barr
A Wodjola Brother
I read my mute parents
In their joyous pantomime
Of clap of hands boot on wood
So your red and blue
Tells it true
As you laugh with didgeridoo
And brew-up goanna stew
From burrow and spring
And ashes from the evening campfire
Peter Jeffery OAM
15. Leighton Beach Artist: Jane RYAN

Umbrellas and dogs
The indigo ocean is a meditation today
smooth horizon, clear sky
with only hints of clouds to come
the swoosh of each wave
matches my breath
and then umbrellas
a carnival?
balls and stripy mats
a circus?
dogs, dogs, dogs
it’s a party!
Maree Dawes
The Dog Beach
i see her run like the wind, and i
to run
after her
———-Release the leash!
———-Let me run like the wind
i’ll get her. you’ll see
Julienne Lee Juschke
16. The Deep Artist: Bonnie WILKINSON

“Come with me under the sea”
goes the song. A tune tied to waves
and tides—the comfort of a bath.
Sploshing and floating among ships
and whales, sea monsters and fish
that swirl in the deep. There, a Spanish
Dancer furls red fringes escaping the dark
recesses of the reef where eyes peer.
Some days the world is my deep.
The weight all around pressing and me
struggling to breathe. Some days
finding the sun is an effort but somehow
I always manage to swim to the surface.
Breathe a gulp of air, find a song.
Gary Colombo De Piazzi
Ship wrecks
Sea monsters
Beneath the shawls of our selves
Rest the realities of fish and shells
And the primordial of unknown things
Chris Konrad
17. Forest Park Artist: Jeremy GOWING

Under endless skies we walk
Spinifex in its spiky garment
Relentless sun
Walking internally
The vibrating earth below us
A Tawny Frogmouth callsAbove the Plains it echoes …
Brigita Ferencak
aka The Wandering Gypsy
Bleeding Heart
A flush of pindan,
bleeds across landscape.
into the raw heart of Australia.
Impressionist trees
speckle the surface,
their leaves fluttering fragile.
A hot dry wind sears our eyes,
blurring horizons under clear blue sky.
Veronica Lake
18. The Genie Artist: David BRANDSTATER

The Genie
You magic your world
with spellbinding yellow.
create a fantasy of flowers
as you scatter incantations.
Creative power is your heritage
from which we can see you
within the artistry of your painting.
Stay with us.
A good spirit is needed
in our universe.
Margaret Ferrell
the weiro dances
nudges the bell
spells out secrets in seeds
messages scattered
across newspaper
wing tip to wing tip
tests the cage
its edges
counts down time
to crack the cage’s code
and fly
Deanne Leber
19. Abstract Artist: Marianne PERCUDANI

Yet a mazy map
of Melbourne: her
straight lines = trams, buses:
Port Phillip Bay
Look here colour takes
me off dull, grey streets of
monochrome pedestrians
pinched faces, black overcoats
Blues, greens, reds, yellows
melt winter into
trumpeting summer
Sally Gaunt
How to Print a Flawless Heart
How breath travels in leaky red air-
bags that fold down just like mini
umbrellas to fit inside the narrowing
vessels. One by one they slide into
capillaries & open their parachutes,
tu-tump, tu-tump. I’ve made a 3-D
network with this map, red ink &
tiny mirrors. Dhak-dhak, dhak-dhak,
feel this new thing under my skin
—it’s learning to kick like a heart.
Shey Marque
20. The Dog Artist: Marianne PERCUDANI

The Differences
it’s the differences
of course – one flower
with five petals the
other six, dog with
patch over one eye,
the cloud to the right
slightly more volum-
inous, grass sloping
gently to the left –
that make it so scrup-
ulously perfect
Kevin Gillam
Are you ready? I am!
The day is new, the mountain view
has sharpened all the colours.
My nose detects a thousand scents.
My ears receive sounds on the breeze.
My tongue hangs out, ‘cause I’m about
to bounce and bark and frolic.
Come on! I’m ready!
Jacqui Merckenschlager
21. Blossoms in the Snow Artist: Clint CARTER

Blossoms In the Snow
Be in the moment
spring clean your thoughts
invite a fresh perspective
find a legend that fits you
walk to a certain rhythm
seek balance and colour
find a magic mirror
think with your feelings
listen to what you might hear
then watch it all land
as softly and purely
as blossoms in the snow.
Fran Graham
Blossoms in the Snow
Such exquisite individual gems!
Each blossom soon becomes
a unique snowflake.
Yet they are hiding warnings, dangers.
Their chilling frosty stares
may clutch and hold the unwary
In a sudden violent snowstorm.
Max Merckenschlager
22. Moana Artist: Lindy JOHNSON

Just Waiting …
The cat sits on the polka dot rug,
is alert with eyes only for you
… or a pat or food
tail and whiskers twitching
in anticipation, as if time has passed
beyond that which is fair
how could you be so indifferent
not to please someone who
is always there, just waiting …
Mike Greenacre
to the cat, poetry
is a full bowl
a clean coat
the full moon
making invisible breath
seen beneath paw-fall
the cat is a poem
curled on the empty bed
waiting for you to sleep
rest your purr-less body
around the language of its fur
Scott-Patrick Mitchell
23. Mask, COVID Times Artist: Martin CAHILL

Covid Mask
Out of my mind
but into another
Its covid, what does it mean?
Days long
nights longer.
I’ll have a cigarette,
perhaps another.
I tried till I was blue in the face to socialize
but its covid
and all I can see
are more days
more nights
and longer in between.
Ann Harrison
Covid Mask
Who is this I see before me?
A six gun bandit, a Hopi shaman
shaking a rattle, the Phantom far
from his Skull Cave? Hmm. He looks
like a superhero. Responsible, sensible,
setting community safety before all else,
this man of mystery must be Martin.
He’s a marvel!
Jan Napier
24. Ned Kelly Artist: David GUHL

Who’s Robbing This Coach
You or Ned Kelly?
Move aside Nolan
The thud of your images and colours
Like bullets in a leather apron
Ever recurring
As ghost, phantom or what you will
God Jesse James woulda loved this
Taking the Wild West on the lam
And yes sirree bringing in the tourists
From Japan and the Big Apple
Back here to Ned and you and me In Ozland
And Glenrowan Bendigo Ballarat
And all that
So, keep on shooting and sharing David
Peter Jeffery OAM
———-Hero or criminal?
a youth saving a drowning boy
———-a bank robber
supporting his widowed mother
burning mortgage papers of the poor
———-a bushranger
a leader against social injustice
protector of friends, family, class,
———-an outlaw
his Jerilderie Letter explaining actions
a spokesman for the oppressed
Dave sees through the steely armour
and paints the colours of Ned’s soul.
Val Neubecker
25. Untitled Artist: Emma DAWSON

A Backdrop of Rain
on windy spring mornings
with an artist; my friend
we would dance so well together
laugh and play; be free
one morning; that windy morning
we laughed too much, distracted
the umbrella! … suddenly skyward
a daytime star
a backdrop of rain
Julienne Lee Juschke
Glossy Rain Blooms
Lots of little umbrellas on the crossing
rain has fallen slick and shiny.
Look reflections in the glassy waves.
A busy place, a hurried place
they move faster to miss the drops
and splash their gumboots in puddles
criss cross, splish splosh.
From our eyrie on the third floor
we watch flowers walking.
Virginia O’Keeffe
26. After the Rain Artist: Danny TUCKEY

After the Rain
After the rain
splendid colours appear,
from the hazy red earth, the yellow sun
come the green shoots
that sprout up
in lines following
the water’s fall.
Christopher Kennedy
After the Rain
Here, now, a swirling swarm of paint
directs my mind to awe, switches a heart
to beating, energises pulsing neurones
that twitch, shiver and perceive
not only the artist’s inten-
tions and his layering of pigment
on surface, but a range of deeper
things that ascend into these sensory worlds
that make a life as artist so remarkable,
feeling and steering their maker-owner
to stellar joy, relief and wonder.
We collaborate, join in—convert to bliss.
Allan Padgett
27. Andy Warhol’s Dogs Artist: Samantha MUELLER

Mutts muse and Mugshots profuse
Mueller meets Marilyn and Marmaduke
It is enough that our dogs love us
And we portrait them for future selves
Salved by soothing snouts and curious eyes
Chris Konrad
What’s more reproducible
than a dog’s hard shiny guilelessness?
What’s more ironic
than reproducing it in the brushstrokes
of expressionist authenticity?
I was tempted to write ‘Woof,’
and leave it at that;
a mechanical iteration
—————before chasing a cat.
Chris Palazzolo
28. Untitled Artist: Blaz DELIC

Out of the east he came
to a world in violent flux.
Spreading words of peace,
crucifix in hand,
robed in crimson,
promising redemption.
He walked among us,
eyes afire with passion;
our suffering, his burden.
His compassion embraced us
and all the living creatures
came to his hand
receiving benediction.
Veronica Lake
inside the artist’s dreamscape
Courage slept, chained by flames
of dragon tongues, locked deep
beneath alpine peaks. Reyla
strode from folklore, wielded magic
talisman: golden gloves, a golden
cross, a sword named Hope. Reyla
braved twisted paths of nightmare,
smote dragons, unchained Courage.
now, Courage wakes, it’s breath flows
from dreams, gloves the artist’s hand.
Reyla, his avatar, strides the canvass
armed with every colour of Hope.
Yvonne Patterson
29. Lest We Forget Artist: Robert ROLT

we steady our masks
adjust candles in small jars
toes flicker over slippers
hush the children
smile and wave
trumpet dances to Reveille
flags proud on the letterbox
Digger’s hat close by
in this changed world
we remember
next year we’ll go
to the memorial
Lest We Forget
Deanne Leber
Tapestry of Time
At the moment of resolve, packs humped
on shoulders, guns loose on their slings,
we walked among burnt stakes of trees,
eyes down searching for lost mates
and sudden thoughts of our loved ones.
Such threads of time persist at length
and in later life are vanishing footsteps.
But all that we do have to cherish fast
in our hearts—like sewn tapestries
strung on the crumbling walls at last.
Glen Phillips
30. Hot Wind Artist: Ben ROSTEN

The Wheatfield
The crows lifted out of the dirt
like a black sail in the storm,
& as the wheat lay flattened,
ears trained to the earth, I hid
under the late summer sheaves,
the wind tossing glass shards
of sun down across the field—
those last pieces of a clean sky
seeking to expose my refuge
like a thousand shiny mirrors.
Shey Marque
This is the world I see from here
a thousand streaks in the wind
flying, flitting, floating,
circling, settling
layers upon layers of
mornings and afternoons
interspersed with forest walks
ocean sands; smiling eyes tickling hands
warm hearts. the icy cold of winter.
a heatwave’s weight. a bleeding heart
long lonely nights
a baby’s raucous, dribbling delight
the promise of spring
the growing and stretching of limbs
Keren Gila Raiter
31. Blobs Artist: Nathan WINSLADE

A Bevy of Umbrellas
Walking in the rain
Need not be a pain!
Bring out your umbrellas,
Red, green, blue or yellow fellas!
Sunshine bright umbrellas
Bring out happy fellas!
Who cares for the muddy aftermath,
Let’s all dance down the wet footpath!
Red, green, blue,
electric pink, yellow, BURST!!
into EYES that circle, elliptic joys —
it’s like THAT!! Each
of us touching with
words. Each
together …
Zan Ross
32. Ocean Octopus Umbrella Artist: Russell DAWSON

Flaming red arms encircle the pincers
waving franticly to fight
off the suckered staves of death.
The food is to be eaten,
bitten by a hard beak,
crab meat is delicious
so the octopus thinks.
Christopher Kennedy
Ripples on the surface
of a shimmering sea
are repeated patterns printed
on a sandy ocean floor.
From a dark ledge
a lurking hunter slides
swaying in a mesmerizing dance.
The crab detects the danger
with his bulbous eyes.
Will he burrow in a flurry
of quickly tossed sand?
Or will a warming ocean
be the greater threat?
\Jacqui Merckenschlager
33. Raindrops Artist: Karen SHAO

Memories like rain down windows
Bright petals through darkness
The secret garden
Rising in every shimmering streak
A leaf in the page of self-advocacy
Try trace mnemonics trip, trickle, tilt
Feel their own little lightnings, all
snakes no ladders, a reset in residue
Every distant car — splashing puddles
A cleanse lets go of. Breath fogs. How
swell metronomes its hyperfocus
Rain.… Rain!
O blooming half-halo of rain!
Please rain more
Rain down on my parade
Leonard James
Bubbly streaks of promise and joy
slide along my blue glass pane.
“Whoo hoo!” they chorus.
A sun-drenched day arises
and kisses with love
an otherwise dreary leaden sky.
Max Merckenschlager
34. African Queen Artist: Karina SHERIDAN

Piece together
Peace in this world.
Grandma’s face
Reflected in
A dry creekbed.
The flowers are
The light in her eyes …
Delight! Delight!
Andrew Burke
Each separate piece
Carefully chosen and placed
A pretty picture
Velvety, green leaves
Lustrous violet petals
Surrounded by sea
Ceramic, vessel
Resting on a Sandy beach
Holds the African Queen
Deb Micallef
35. Sunset Flowers Artist: Jonathon WONG

World, Rest in Flowers
dawn, the first firing
etch bloom into greenware
under gaze, flower reaches
as weed & dandelion lift
sky & sea darken to streak
a horizon where star will gloss
sunset, a second firing
in the afterglow, borrow
sky’s scent to augment clay
as blossom purple chiaroscuro
Scott-Patrick Mitchell
Colours of the Sky
The lighting, the colours, the beauty.
Glistening with shards of purity
flowers in the field shining
glowing from the sunshine.
The vision of the sunset so intense,
like a painting ablaze.
The sky above, leaving us with
one last view of beautiful blue
before the sky delves
into darkness.
Hannah Valenti
36. Raining Cats & Dogs Artist: Loanha BROPHY

When Rains Threatens
A mix of moggies, terriers & toys
(not wanting wet feet) leap on a
shelf like the stage show for Cats.
They swing into chairs of cupped
hands, rainbow umbrellas twirling
above. A scruffy green feline, purrs
a perfect song, moggies hum along,
a couple of Westies scan the sky,
yap alert in high notes, but china-
blue plays roly-poly, far too near
the edge. Please catch her
if she
Carolyn Abbs
Raining Cats and Dogs
Kittens smitten with drops that plop
on brolly tops, flip tails and frisk.
Pups snapping at drizzly drips, splash,
leap, and yap, yep, yep, so happy.
Now cats and dogs reign on their chairs.
look! Muddy paw prints everywhere!
Jan Napier
37. What a View Artist: Rhonda KALLENBERG

I draw out the slack thread, stitch
then tighten, check its position
and repeat.
Like any other act of making,
the tangible world – gulls, light and cloud –
must first unspool,
let go the weight
and wait
of becoming, be open
to stretch and texture –
the myth – of breath.
That giddiness,
when impulse
——————–to colour.
Sunny Blundell-Wignall
The clock ticks,
———-she sews a stitch in time
music plays, she sews on and on
———- and gets a stitch
she smiles, giggles, laughs,
———- soon she’s in stitches
but now she’s completed her work
———- it’s all stitched up
the lighthouse stands
a protective guardian
———- and every stitch is perfect.
Val Neubecker
38. Open Heart Artist: Leanne FAIRLEY

running with my lasso
I capture things I love
rein them in
keep them close
herd them up
feed them well
you know
what they are
who they are
bound together
with beat and thrum
Coral Carter
Open Heart
A glowing smile lights Leanne’s face
As she happily paints her latest
By decorating enamel with gold-like lace
The loving heart – it is the greatest
A plaster and enamel tribute arrayed
Worthy to be under the umbrella display
It is an Open Heart that’s what she made
She shares her work from Rockybay
Colleen O’Grady
39. Under the Umbrella Artist: Michael TATE

The Wild One
Cruising West Coast Highway
in your classic Holden Sandman
“Shout” blasting from the speakers
Windows rolled down
Summer beach the yellow and blue
of the mighty Eagles
You can be a man of firm opinions
and yet keep an open mind
Mix up your art and open a
red umbrella to shelter us all
Liana Joy Christensen
The Red Umbrella
The stadium pulsed, the fans roared
West Coast dash and feint but
Swans wings are just too fleet.
Long and strong, streaming up
the Big Macs fly, the perfect set.
Oh holding the ball…
Ryan going forward with style
set shot should have been a free!
In the goal square, soccer it!
She has a blue and gold umbrella
mine is red, we laugh and swap.
A swan receives a scarlet hood
while eagles strive towards the sun.
Virginia O’Keeffe
40. Pelican Artist: Tim MALEY

against the plum sky
I find rest upon a bough
as the wind blows
heavy against my wings
my large beak
crushes fish
for consumption
fuel for flights
but now I will pause
before the morning
Faye Teale-Clavi
How does a bird lover respond to this purpling Pelican, placid, totally-beaked
fit for scooping fish. One way is through playing games with language and paint, such that only a peli can stand so tall and fly so high and gaze, interrogate, contemplate. In this elegant tree sits your scanning bird, beaky, vast, viewing lives from open canopy, set to glide – as backdrop light shimmers, irradiates, illumines us the viewer-partaker, feasting on your peaceful, shimmering selves and coded, bustling worlds.
Allan Padgett